We are providing the following services:
Publishing registered and indexed journals in ISSN and other databases
Publishing your research articles in the indexed journals like SCOPUS, Clarivate – Web of Science (WOS), SCI, EMBASE, PubMed, DOAJ, UGC Care, SCI, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 journals.
Publishing your research articles in the UNPAID JOURNALS also. But, the peer review process will take time from 6 months or 8 months or 12 months
Proposal Writing
Proposal Checking
Manuscript Writing
Manuscript Corrections
Statistical/Bio-statistical Data Analysis and Checking
Statistical Consultation
English Language Check-up
Manuscript re-writing
Plagiarism Check for your article
Organizing Conferences
Other Services:
To get CROSSREF DOI to a new journal
To get indexing and abstracting in world famous data bases
To deposit the journal papers/articles in INTERNET ARCHIVE, PORTICO, and others.
Items of services available and it’s costs are following:
SL. No. | Items | Cost in USD* |
1 | Proposal Writing | 50 |
2 | Manuscript Writing | 100 |
3 | Statistical/Bio-statistical Data Analysis + Results writing | 75 + 25 |
4 | English Language Check-Up | 50 |
5 | Manuscript re-writing | 75 |
*Additional 18% GST as per Government of India; VAT applicable as per respective countries.
Send your enquiry to:
Email ID : editor.inchief@sakpublications.com